Our Services

Payment & storage of invoices

We ensure your invoices are paid accurately and on time. All invoices are archived for historical accuracy and details of each invoice received is included on the participant’s Payment Summary which runs the duration of their plan.

Lodge payment requests

Navigating the NDIS Payment Request portal can be a confusing and time consuming exercise. We lodge payment requests on your behalf to ensure your financial reporting is compliant with NDIS regulations.

Re-allocation of funding

Plan Managers are able to move certain types of funding between the core supports based on the needs of the participant. We aim to make sure your funding is available for the supports most important to you.

Provide quarterly or ad-hoc payment summaries

Every invoice paid is entered into a client Payment Summary. We provide these reports as requested by clients and their support coordinators, or we can configure quarterly notifications. This helps you track how you’re using your funding.

Keep up to date with NDIS Price Guide changes

The NDIS is constantly changing their financial reporting requirements and participant price guide. We make sure the charges your providers are passing on are in line with the latest figures from the NDIS.